Best Ever Black Bean Burgers with Chipotle Mango Guacamole
This one, my friends, is a winner if there ever was one. Super healthy and super tasty, a great combo of plant-based proteins and complex carbs with a boost of antioxidants on top. Best Ever Black Bean Burgers Serves 4 in 20 minutes 1 teaspoon chia seeds 1 15oz can of black beans, rinsed and… Read More»

The Rise and Shine Smoothie
You just know you’re going to have a good day when you start it off with a delicious drink like this: The recipe is simple and quick, perfect for the mornings when you’re barely awake. The Rise and Shine Smoothie Serves 2 1 banana 1 orange, peeled, quartered and seeded 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon… Read More»

Cure All Juice
For whatever ails ya. From a hangover to no sleep to the common cold, this lovely juice will get you up and moving and on your way to feeling your best. This ingredient combination is the best of the best when it comes to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant needs… but the taste? AMAZING! It’s really this… Read More»

Green Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Green pumpkin pie?! Yes! You can’t even taste the spinach, but it does give this smoothie a pretty color and lots of extra nutrients. Perfect for breakfast or a post-workout snack in 5 minutes or less. I debuted these at TREAD fitness in Dallas this past week and while the members were scared of the… Read More»

Healthy Game Day Guacamole
We all want something salty and crunchy when we’re gathered around the TV watching our favorite team. It’s OK to splurge on buffalo chicken dip and hot wings every once in a while, but if you’re doing it every weekend you could be sabotaging all the hard work you put in during the week. Keep… Read More»
Incorporating More Whole Foods Into Your Diet
And no, I’m not talking about the grocery store. I taught a workshop yesterday at Shane Diet and Fitness Resorts on this very topic and thought it would make for a good blog post for my readers as well. The workshop was paired workshop with a cooking demo: Tomato and black bean salsa with homemade… Read More»

Diet Terms and Trends Decoded: Part One
It’s diet season again! Oh JOY! It’s nearing the end of January, and maybe as a part of your resolution you’ve tried a diet. Or two. Maybe you’re wondering which diet you should try next. Maybe you’re wondering what the heck a raspberry ketone or chia seed is. Or if “calorie free” really means there’s no… Read More»