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4 Healthy Costco Snack Finds to Start Off Your New Year Right!

Looking for healthy options to stock your home pantry or keep at your office? These four new snack finds are perfect for elevating your snack game while keeping your wellness goals on track. Packed with protein, fiber, and natural ingredients, these snacks are a must-have for anyone looking to make smarter choices this year. Whether…   Read More»

Lemon Raspberry Zucchini Bars {Recipe Redux}

Just in time for you to use all the extra zucchini from the garden that you have no idea what to do with! Or you can send it to me since my tiny porch garden doesn’t support zucchini growing. This month’s recipe redux was all about bites and bars. I took these babies for a vegan potluck event–…   Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Linda Eck Mills, Career and Life Coach, International Speaker and Author

I’m very excited to introduce to you this week’s RDN in the spotlight: Linda S. Eck Mills, MBA, RDN, LDN, FADA. Linda has had an impressive career in dietetics (to put it mildly) which has allowed her to share her love of nutrition with countless people and work in vastly different occupations: from correctional facilities to food equipment manufacturers, through teaching, writing, speaking and starting her…   Read More»

Healthy Two-Grain Southwest Salad

Confession: I don’t eat traditional salads or sandwiches for lunch. I despise the boring, cold, desk salad with wilted lettuce and lame, tasteless cucumbers and tomatoes. And don’t get me started on the cold cut turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. Can you get more boring? So what do I eat for lunch?! Power bowls,…   Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Bonnie R. Giller, Certified Diabetes Educator and Intuitive Eating Counselor

For this week’s Dietitian Spotlight Series, I interviewed a successful entrepreneur/RD with two specialties, diabetes and intuitive eating, who has been able to fuse them together in her business, BRG Dietetics & Nutrition, P.C. Read on to learn more about intuitive eating and how this break-through strategy can help you and your clients break the diet-cycle, how…   Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Whitney Ahneman, Certified LEAP Therapist

For this week’s Dietitian Spotlight Series, I interviewed Whitney Ahneman, MS, RDN, CLT based out of White Plains, NY. She lobbied to start a position for herself within an existing medical practice and is determined to make nutrition a central part in the treatment of her patients. Read on to learn more about her path to becoming…   Read More»

Beginner’s Running Guide: How to Train and What to Eat

Distance races like 10Ks, half marathons and adventure races like Tough Mudders and Color Runs are more popular than ever. People enjoy getting their competitive juices flowing, which helps them want to get fitter, faster and in the best shape as possible, especially with the warmer temperatures heading our way. Even those who have haven’t…   Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Angela Grassi, PCOS Expert

Angela Grassi, MS, RDN, LDN is an internationally known nutrition and health expert on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Named one of the Top 10 Incredible RDs Making a Difference by Today’s Dietitian magazine, Angela is the go-to nutritionist for women with PCOS. She provides nutrition consultations in person, phone or online to women around the…   Read More»

Moroccan Fish over Whole Grain Couscous

I’ll admit I’ve been in a recipe blogging rut lately. It’s not that I’ve not been cooking, I just haven’t felt like coming up with new, inventive dishes, taking food photos, documenting the recipes and then posting them. I’ve been more in the mood to take a look in the fridge, whip something up and eat it…   Read More»

No-Bake Carrot Cake Cream Cheese Bars

I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing and sunshine-y Easter weekend. This was my first holiday here in The Woodlands, TX. Will and I have had some rough times lately– we both lost 2 family members this spring all within a few weeks of each other and being away from the rest of our families…   Read More»

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