Angela Grassi, MS, RDN, LDN is an internationally known nutrition and health expert on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Named one of the Top 10 Incredible RDs Making a Difference by Today’s Dietitian magazine, Angela is the go-to nutritionist for women with PCOS. She provides nutrition consultations in person, phone or online to women around the world. Having PCOS herself, Angela knows how frustrating living with this condition can be and has dedicated her career to helping women with PCOS improve their health and their lives through evidence-based nutrition.
I am honored to be interviewing Angela in this weeks Dietitian Spotlight Series and learn more about her life and rewarding career in dietetics.
First, take us through a typical “day in the life.” Honestly, no day is the same! I start by getting my 2 boys fed and off to school. Then I answer emails and phone calls, and do some writing. I like to get a workout in during the morning and then off to see patients for a few hours before my kids get home and I make dinner. After my kids go to bed I’ll do some more writing and emails or have an evening phone session with a patient. Finally, I try to watch some TV with my husband. There’s never enough hours in the day!
Angela co-authored The PCOS Workbook: Your Guide to Complete Physical and Emotional Health and her newest book, PCOS: The Dietitian’s Guide, now in its second edition, is the most comprehensive evidence-based nutrition resource for PCOS. Her latest project, The PCOS Nutrition Center Cookbook, is due out this Summer.
What got you interested in the field of nutrition? I love that whole foods can improve people’s health and lives.
Is there any food that you feel like you couldn’t live without? Chocolate for sure! Having PCOS gives me a big sweet tooth and I do allow myself a little bit from time to time.
What is the biggest challenge of being a dietitian and/or business owner? There’s a lot of responsibility being a business owner! All decisions are ultimately mine, even big ones like where to locate my office or what my logo should look like.
The question everyone wants to ask an RD: do you follow any certain diet? Yes. Because I have PCOS, I follow what I preach-a low GI diet that includes a good amount of anti-inflammatory fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fats.
Read more about the most up-to-date nutrition recommendations on PCOS here.
What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever had? I’ve had a lot but one of my favorites was at Mama’s Fish House in Maui: Just caught Ono, Mahimahi and Ahi sautéed in Panang Curry and coconut milk with vegetables. Wish I could have it now! The fish in Hawaii is fantastic!
What diet fad do you wish would disappear? Paleo. The idea that we shouldn’t eat fruits, vegetables, beans and grains is ignorant.
What food or nutrition related book or documentary do you think everyone read or watch? A Place at the Table is a documentary every American should see. This country doesn’t do enough to help people and children with food insecurity. Hunger shouldn’t be an issue in our wealthy country.
What are your thoughts on organic foods? Do you feel strongly one way or another? I mostly eat organic when possible, especially in regards to the dirty dozen and any animal products. I don’t think antibiotics, hormones or pesticides in our food supply is good for women with hormone imbalances such as PCOS and infertility.
If you weren’t a dietitian, what would you be? A novelist.
What is your favorite place to go or thing to do in your city? Take a hike through Ridley Creek State Park and neighboring Tyler Arboretum.
What would you like to accomplish (can be career or non-career related) in the next 5 years? Publish The PCOS Nutrition Center Cookbook is the first. I plan to continue teaching Lifecycle Nutrition at West Chester University because I love educating students. I also plan to expand The PCOS Nutrition Center to help more women with PCOS.
What would you say to someone interested in becoming an RD or getting into the field of nutrition? Any advice or caution? Being an RD or nutritionist is a great field to be in because of its importance and flexibility. You really can do anything that has to do with food and health and its rewarding to help people improve their health. Be sure to know what you’re getting into though-there’s a lot of science classes and it’s not that easy to get the required internship experience.
Connect with Angela!