10-minute Dinner: Citrus Shrimp Salad with White Beans and Arugula
Ready for the beach yet? Me too. I’m starting to get tired of all the wintery dishes so tonight I opted for something lighter and fresher. It may not be bikini weather yet, but this light dish will help you get ready for it! Citrus Shrimp Salad with White Beans and Arugula Prep time: 5 minutes… Read More»

Whole Grain Gnocchi Alfredo with Spinach and Walnuts
Most of you know that if something has a white creamy sauce, it should probably be avoided. Your average plate of fettucini alfredo at a restaurant will cost you around 1220 calories– an entire days worth. Not to mention the 75g of fat, which is more than you should be taking in in an entire… Read More»

Spicy Pumpkin Pasta
What, you thought the pumpkin obsession was reserved for lattes and desserts? No way. Pumpkin is making it’s way into your dinner too. Why the pumpkin obsession? Well besides the taste, it offers some great health benefits: a half cup provides 100% of your vitamin A needs for the day and as much potassium than a banana. Like… Read More»

Easy Tuscan Bean Soup and Curried Chickpea Cakes
You don’t have to be vegetarian to be healthy. If you have a goal to decrease your meat consumption, start with just one day a week. Make every Monday a “Meatless Monday.” Taking one day to substitute meat for vegetables in your meals is a great way to consume less calories, get creative in the kitchen… Read More»