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Pumpkin Pie Power Smoothie
Mmmmm, mmm, mmm. pumpkin pie in a glass. It doesn’t get much better than this. With all the sugar-heavy pumpkin flavored treats hitting the shelves, why not treat yourself to something pumpkin that’s actually good for you? This pumpkin pie smoothie is sweetened au natural (with a date) and packs a protein punch from almond… Read More»
Mango Citrus Power Smoothie
This power smoothie is packed full of antioxidants and perfect for a pre-workout jolt of energy. I know– green power smoothies are all the rage right now. But don’t neglect all the other nutrient-dense colors– like yellow! All brightly colored veggies and fruits get their hues from their nutrients– phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us… Read More»
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