Roasted Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet potato fries can be a healthy side if you make them that way, but beware of sweet potato fries from restaurants or fast food chains. Often, they are fried in the same oil and grease as the regular fries! Make sure to ask how they are prepared (look for baked or roasted) or use… Read More»
Heart Healthy Chipotle Chili
I’ve got the perfect recipe for February, where freezing cold temperatures are the norm, Catholics start thinking about giving up meat on Fridays and of course, it’s American Heart Month. This ingredient list may have a few vegetables that you’ve never tried before. Do not, I repeat, do not be afraid to step outside of your iceberg lettuce and… Read More»
Sweet Potato and Pork Chili
I know I usually post vegetarian recipes, but this has been a special request in my house pretty often this winter. This chili is so different, I can guarantee you’ve never tasted anything like it. There are tons of healthy veggies and spices– this is one of those recipes that helps keep you healthy and warm… Read More»