Dietitian Spotlight Series: Lucette Talamas, Community Health RD in Miami, FL
This week the spotlight is on my dear friend Lucette Talamas, who I met and worked with while I was living in Orlando, Florida. Lucette has an extremely versatile (and busy!) career in dietetics as a community health dietitian for Baptist Health in the Miami area. Her job entails a little of everything— public speaking,… Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Brianna Peterson, Wellness Coordinator
This week the spotlight is on Brianna Peterson, a Dallas dietitian with a really cool job! Like many of you that have contacted me with questions about how to break into the field of nutrition, being a dietitian wasn’t even on her radar when she was getting her first degree. She later found her passion… Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Tony Paradis, Entrepreneur and Personal Trainer
Tony Paradis was one of the first dietitians I met in Dallas at a Nutrition Entrepreneurs mini-meeting about a year ago. It was so refreshing (and inspiring) to meet a young RD who had already started a business and was paving his own way in the nutrition and fitness world, which gave me hope for… Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Lisa Lang, RDN, LD
This week’s Dietitian Spotlight is on a great old friend of mine, Lisa Lang RDN, LD. We graduated from The Ohio State University together in 2009 AND got into the same internship program at Mount Carmel College of Nursing in Columbus, OH. Her and Scott (far right) kept me laughing through most of our MNT… Read More»