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Incorporating More Whole Foods Into Your Diet

And no, I’m not talking about the grocery store. I taught a workshop yesterday at Shane Diet and Fitness Resorts on this very topic and thought it would make for a good blog post for my readers as well. The workshop was paired workshop with a cooking demo: Tomato and black bean salsa with homemade…   Read More»

What’s in Season for Spring? (Dallas, TX)

Buying fruits and vegetables in season and locally helps to ensure maximum nutrition (less transit time, so the crop is peaked at its peak ripeness) and also benefits local farmers and the environment. The following is a list of produce reaching its peak in the Dallas region in spring. Visit your local farmers market this…   Read More»

The Best Brunch in Dallas

Brunch is BIG in Dallas. I know people say that about a lot of things in Texas, but I’ve never really been anywhere else in the US where Sunday brunch is such an event. An event that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed partaking in since I moved to Dallas in December. Since then, I’ve been trying to…   Read More»

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