Sweet Summer Salad
Is it ever so hot outside that you just can’t imagine eating a hot lunch? When all you want is something juicy and refreshing? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately (95 degrees plus every day in Orlando, not that I’m complaining!) and where the inspiration from this Sweet Summer Salad comes from. Summer typically equals… Read More»

Carrot Cake Power Smoothie
I know I’ve been MIA lately, but the blog had to take a backseat for a while while I was off on some overseas adventures then subsequently trying to get my life and business back together after taking 2 weeks off! But no worries, I’ve got lots of posts coming up detailing my trip, new… Read More»

Roasted Beet, Red Quinoa and Goat Cheese Salad with Orange-Beet Balsamic Vinaigrette
Have you ever seen this much red on one plate? This is quite honestly the best salad I’ve ever made. When I tell people I don’t really love salads, they look at me like I have 5 heads. A dietitian that doesn’t like salads?! When I say salad, I mean that boring iceberg lettuce, 2 cherry… Read More»

Florida Orange Chia Donuts
Chia seeds have been a weirdly large part of my life lately. First, I wrote this article on the health benefits of chia seeds for Medical News Today. Then when I was thinking about what kind of healthy-ish breakfast food I could come up with for our Corrine Drive Counseling Center staff meeting I still… Read More»

Strawberry & Balsamic Grilled Cheese
There are lot’s of reasons to share this Strawberry and Mozzarella Grilled Cheese with you today. One is that it’s the tail-end strawberry season here in Central Florida (Dec- March) and you can get fresh local berries for cheap just about anywhere. Two is that it’s grilled cheese, because… well, it’s grilled cheese. Three, it’s time to… Read More»

Winter Vegetable Soup
My oh my, what weird weather we are having here in Houston. Two weeks ago I broke out the shorts, flip flops and tank tops, then last week I had bust my winter coat and sweater boots back out. Now its in the 40’s and pouring down rain! A little taste of summer, winter and spring… Read More»

Sweet Potato and Tomato Pasta
Sometimes I’m just in the mood for something different. Something I’ve never had before. That happened to be a few weeks ago, a day where I didn’t feel like being in the kitchen for hours and was feeling super sad about letting go of my foster dog Lenka. We’re talking ugly-cry-multiple-times-a-day-for-multiple-days-in-a-row sad. To the point where… Read More»

Peach Butter, Pecan & Aged Cheddar Mini Grilled Cheeses
By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe challenge sponsored by Cabot Creamery and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. Grilled cheese… that’s really all I had to say right? I didn’t even have to mention the sweet cinnamon-y local peach butter, the roasted… Read More»

Spicy Veggie Chili
Remember 2 Mondays ago when Ohio State shocked the world and won the National Championship? That same night, I shocked the world (of Texas) with an amazing chili recipe– with NO meat! Texans tend to get pretty squirrely when you mention taking the meat out of something… so I just don’t mention it. I let… Read More»

Fresh Fish Friday: Steelhead Trout
Salmon has been known as the best of the best when it comes to healthy fish for a while now, but it’s finally getting some competition… from a fish you’ve probably never heard of. Steelhead trout is an up and coming cousin of salmon that looks very similar, tastes amazing and is much cheaper than it’s… Read More»