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Blueberry Pumpkin Oat Muffins

Good enough to have for dessert but healthy enough to have for breakfast! I took out the fat from this recipe (no oil and no butter) and replaced it with pumpkin puree and applesauce which keeps the muffins moist without losing flavor.  By having one of these instead of your standard Starbucks blueberry muffin, you’ll…   Read More»

Spicy Pumpkin Pasta

What, you thought the pumpkin obsession was reserved for lattes and desserts? No way. Pumpkin is making it’s way into your dinner too. Why the pumpkin obsession? Well besides the taste, it offers some great health benefits: a half cup provides 100% of your vitamin A needs for the day and as much potassium than a banana. Like…   Read More»

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